The Divine Works Legal Policy

1. Introduction

This legal policy provides you with details of how we operate regarding registrations, cancellations, and legalities regarding our online seminars at:


2. Registration

When you register in a seminar you will receive a confirmation email. Registration is a binding agreement with The Divine Works and it constitutes your acceptance into these terms and conditions. 


3. Legal Notices


Liability and medical conditions

As the attendee to any seminar you will take full responsibility for your own actions, both during the seminar or at any time prior to or after attending the seminar. Neither The Divine Works nor THInK (nor anyone else reasonably associated with the seminars in any capacity), can be held liable for any of your actions which could risk the health and safety of yourself or any other person associated with the seminars.

You agree to inform The Divine Works of any medical conditions that apply to you, which might have any type of impact on yourself during the course of the seminar. This includes but is not limited to any conditions where you have been prescribed medication by a medical practitioner, pregnancy, and sporting or other injuries, or anything else which might affect your ability to take part in the seminar.

You also agree to continue with any medication as prescribed by your medical professional, and you agree to not stop taking any such medication unless authorized / advised by a medical professional in writing.

Please note : None of the seminars you have registered for can be seen or understood to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment by a medical professional. 


Certification requirements

Specific conditions apply for you to be eligible to receive certification for any seminar that you have registered for. In order to be able to attend any seminar there are prerequisite seminars that might need to be completed before you will be allowed to attend a specific seminar. Please check these as listed on and also as listed on the information included for each seminar on this website.

For online seminars, please make sure you have a stable internet connection and enough experience with the Zoom interface and app which is used as a virtual classroom.

We recommend having a secondary internet connection (ex: a cellular phone tether/hotspot)

It is also required to be present during the whole seminar, and if you are absent without reason, or if you do not maintain the required level of attendance, you will be refused certification by The Divine Works on behalf of THInK for the seminar involved.


Social Behavior

The students have full responsibility for themselves and their actions in- and outside of the seminars. This includes but is not limited to, inappropriate behavior, misconduct with other students or the teacher/teacher assistant, etc.

In some circumstances, The Divine Works and it’s representatives may evoke the right to expel a student from the classroom and in extreme cases dismiss the student from the seminar. 

We expect students to treat the classroom with the utmost respect and necessary conduct to ensure the seminar will be a successful and also a safe space for all of the participants.

Subject to change

All information here is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to change our legal terms and privacy statement as necessary. 

4. Cancellation

Please note that all fees once paid will not be refunded or transferred under any circumstances. We understand that emergencies and other life situations do arise, but we recommend that you carefully review your schedule and upcoming obligations to ensure that you can commit fully to the seminars.

In case of extreme circumstances, The Divine Works, without any legal obligation, may consider the partial or full refund (minus administrative charges) of seminar fees, provided the extreme case is reviewed and approved for reimbursement. 

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Legal Policy, You can contact us:

By email at: