J.R.R. Tolkien

About Nyu

Now a days, internally I’m focusing my energy and time into reaching towards the next level in my personal evolution with practices of Sun Gazing, Breatharianism, Pranayama and advanced mystical arts that are less known. Although at times this already feels like a full time job, the calling for balance brings me to the act of service.

In the manifested world, my spirit guides me into teaching Theta Healing and following this guidance and the call of the divine to serve the awakening of humanity, I’m making available all the expertise that I’ve acquired in the past six years working deeply with this amazing and transforming technique to my students and fellow spiritual seekers, healers and mystics.

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At the age of six

he commenced his formal training of Qi Gong, an energy art that teaches masterful control over subtle energies and with the strict tutelage of his first master Serguei, who infused and tempered into him the virtues of patience, discipline, dedication, commitment, fortitude and the knowledge of how to be a disciple…


At the age of seven

guided by his higher self during his meditations, he approached his mother one morning, asking her to take him to study Yoga, he didn’t know what it was at that time, but Renate Maria, who on a soul level understood how important his request was. She found the Yoga academy and took him every morning at 5:00am to the class before going to work. There he would be picked from to be taken to school afterwards. Practicing yoga reawakened in him a deeper understanding of the universe and how to use the energies he knew how to tap into and control from Qi Gong and mix them with the abilities being granted by the Hata Yoga training, understanding what Serguei had taught him before leaving Peru as a diplomat, “As Above, so Below.”


At the age of eight

his soul family and extraterrestrial contacts were initiating him in his path to serve humanity and the world. Deep trainings and missions permeated his reality and challenged his balance in the terrestrial world. This extreme time was his initiation into collective work and a greater understating of what it meant to be in true service to existence.


When he was nine

he had mastered several inner techniques and was asked to focus more in understanding how to intertwine with and act in the terrestrial world. He started working deeply with his own timeline and soul path, clearing karmas and fulfilling oaths that he had made in past lifes that were needed to get himself the way he was needed into this incarnation. At this stage he regained his abilities from Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt and from other planes and planets from his soul path. It was a time of deep inner study and mastery.


When he turned twelve

he had been confronted by many of the challenges of facing off against the darkness for the past three years as well as the difficulties from his humanity that had been dragging off since he was two years old. This stage in his life, offered him a level of mastery against the darkness and taught him how to stand in his power as a light in the world.


When he turned fifteen

his old master Serguei, came back from Asia bringing Reiki as a tool into his life, he received the teachings of Mikao Usui attaining his Reiki mastery later that year. This tool offered him a renewed approach to an even more refined way of engaging with energy and a focus into healing that upgraded his understanding of the healing domain of magic and how to weave into the physical world healing in an artful way. 

One of the big steps in his life was meeting with Tahuiro, his Inca Master. With him he finally had someone he was able to share his inner world with that also had the ability to understand and comprehend what he was doing, someone that saw through him and raised the bar so high to attain new levels of excellence in his path. 

Under the tutelage of Master Tahuiro, he became an Inca High Priest after years of deep training. He put into practice many of the skills he had gained in his life with the priestesses and priests of Wilka Wasi during those years. 

After this path concluded his humanity led him into grounding into the earth life, into his ancestral healing. He spent the next years focused in healing his ancestral lineage and getting to know the world as a human being.

When he turned twenty five

his path of healing requested him to retire the world and go to the jungle, the plant medicines were calling, so he spent a year in the jungle training with the plant spirits directly and going deeper into the path of a shaman, being called now by Mother Ayahuasca, he started training deeply with her.

At twenty seven

life offered him the chance to reconnect with his Yogic path, he was sent on a quest that led him into a Tantra Yoga school in Thailand. There he spent ten months training daily by practicing his sadhana from six to ten hours a day. He had been practicing Sun Gazing for a few months already and this led him to rediscover and experience some of the Yogic secrets of immortality, something he was passionately obsessed since he was six years old. Touching upon these energies changed him forever.

Having reached this far into his evolution and feeling like he was at a never before reached high in his life path, the universe had a very important lesson to grant him. He has a motorcycle accident and from being at the top of his life he ends up at the deepest bottom of pain and suffering. Having lost the ability to walk and already two years into his recovery still having to use a walking cane and the occasional use of his crutches, on the brink of hopelessness to ever walk unassisted again, his life presented him with Theta Healing. 

A Theta Healer, who was visiting the Sacred Valley of the Inca in Peru, was offering sessions and when he heard about it, he was instantly drawn to book a session. He was amazed at the ability she had to read him and access places of his soul path that he had never spoken about with anyone and that he knew very well. Session number six was life changing, having received a miracle that day he knew that he needed to learn this technique himself and that it would be a new start for his recovery. That day he regained the hope that he would walk and run again someday in his life. 

He never envisioned himself offering sessions or teaching this modality, he pursuit this spiritual technology for his own healing and improvement. To his surprise, Theta Healing offered an amazing path as a career with many courses to develop in and grow and evolve through. He became a practitioner a few months after and then he became a teacher.

Now a days

thankful to the profound gratitude he feels towards this modality and everything that has come from it in service to others and his own life, he devotes his energy into teaching and helping others with it in a way that comes through his lens of a mystical life and vast training and dedication to his higher purpose and life mission. 

Nyu’s unique view of the world and universe, supports aspirants wanting to learn Theta Healing to reach profound depths of knowledge and superb heights of connection.