In the ADVANCED DNA workshop, the students will have the opportunity to improve and deepen their ability to use the ThetaHealing® technique. The material granted by the Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge (THInK®), offers a deep review into many of the different areas of life.

One of the main aspects of this workshop is that the students will get downloads from the teacher through Source, these downloads are in at least 96 areas of life like, trust, wisdom, truth, compassion, security, balance, respect, honesty, motivation, love, imperviousness, forgiveness, dedication and acceptance to name a few.

All the downloads work energetically tuning the student into the highest aspects and definitions from Source, enhancing and improving these beliefs and programs by upgrading these concepts within them. This section will help the student activate and prepare their being spiritually as well as improving every aspect of their life by  attuning them to the highest intelligence of unconditional love in existence it will also greatly aid them in their spiritual path and works as a preparation, in case there’s a desire to continue in the career, for the DNA III class where we work with healing the beliefs about the impossible and manifesting reality from a different level of consciousness.

We will dive deeper into the knowledge of the seven planes of existence and even though there’s an advanced workshop dedicating five days further along in the career to it, this one offers the students an opportunity to gather some information through the teacher and deepen the understanding of this wonderful aspect of creation and how to access and use it with clearer intent through source.




In the ADVANCED DNA workshop, the students will have the opportunity to improve and deepen their ability to use the ThetaHealing® technique. The material granted by the Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge (THInK®), offers a deep review into many of the different areas of life.

One of the main aspects of this workshop is that the students will get downloads from the teacher through Source, these downloads are in at least 96 areas of life like, trust, wisdom, truth, compassion, security, balance, respect, honesty, motivation, love, imperviousness, forgiveness, dedication and acceptance to name a few.

All the downloads work energetically tuning the student into the highest aspects and definitions from Source, enhancing and improving these beliefs and programs by upgrading these concepts within them. This section will help the student activate and prepare their being spiritually as well as improving every aspect of their life by attuning them to the highest intelligence of unconditional love in existence. This section will help the student greatly in their spiritual path and works as a preparation, in case there’s a desire to continue in the career, for the DNA III class, where we work with healing the believes about the impossible and manifesting reality from a different level of consciousness.

We will dive deeper into the knowledge of the seven planes of existence and even though there’s an advanced workshop dedicating five days further along in the career to it, this one offers the students an opportunity to gather some information through the teacher and deepen the understanding of this wonderful aspect of creation and how to access and use it with clearer intent through source.




We will make sure that the students remember the foundations of the Basic DNA workshop as well as that they know how to apply them into offering a session to others.

Some of the foundations that we will revise are:

  • The four levels of belief
  • Grounding energetically
  • Creation of feelings


Practice and belief work session:

We will finish this first section of the class with an in depth practice session exchange between the students to make sure that they are all ready to dive deeper into the workshop


The Seven Planes of Existence – Advanced:

This section of the workshop allows the teacher to invite the students into a deeper understanding of the planes of existence. Here they will have a chance to ask more advanced questions and the class will be able to journey into higher knowledge of how to work with the Seven Planes as well as how to perceive them in a more intimate and practical way.  In this part of the class the students will be introduced with a new way of connecting to the seventh plane, a meditation that will enable them into a new way of connecting with reality and The Creator of All That Is.  


The three R’s:

Resentment, Regret and Rejection carry a very powerful grip on most people's lives. Learning how to work with healing these aspects of our being will enable great amounts of energy to be made available to us as well as to create the much needed space to invest this in more productive and beneficial parts of our existence. 


Working with floating memories:

In some moments when the body and the conscious mind connection has been disabled, a person can be at its most vulnerable. We have learned that in these states the person can receive or absorb negative experiences, trauma and conterbeneficial beliefs. When we work with these floating memories, we learn to clear these aspects of out


Sending love to the baby in the womb:

This is a practical exercise we do during the workshop and it is one of the jewels in aiding and supporting the specific healing of individuals who experienced a challenging birth or who’s mothers had traumatic or difficult pregnancies. Even though it is an amazing tool for this, it opens a wonderful opportunity for the students to expand their awareness of how wonderfully easy it is to work with time and heal their own timeline! 


Healing a broken soul:

One of the most mystifying aspects of working with the ThetaHealing technique is when Source guides us into the realms of a soul healing. Working at this depth of the being, changes that are sometimes very personal and subtle, but powerful, can be experienced. At this depth successfully changing a counter-benefiting belief results in a massive karmic relief and a very deep sense of change in the person, sometimes even impacting the life of this person very notoriously. 


Working with plants:

This workshop offers a space to learn the basics of using ThetaHealing with plants. There are very specific and important aspects to learn here and although there is a specific workshop dedicated to working with plants, here the student will learn the foundational and practical knowledge and theory to start developing their ability to communicate and work with nature at a very different level. 


Connecting with your ancestors:

In this exercise the students learn how to tap into the fourth plane and familiarize themselves with how it feels like to get a response from this plane and the difference when they receive guidance directly from Source. This aspect of the technique is very powerful and a direct way for people familiar with shamanism systems to develop a clear connection with the Spirit Realm through the seventh plane and Source


Working with non-organic materials:

This application of the technique offers a unique change in the perception of our reality, enabling the students who never considered that objects have an inherent consciousness that can be accessed and more than that, interacted with in fun and amazing ways.   

And for those that already have experience with this, the opportunity to further develop their ability to connect and work with this level of existence in a new and powerful way. Imagine the possibilities of being able to work with your crystals in a new and exciting way!


Talking to the higher self:

Guiding our lives through masters, teachers and external sources may serve our path for a while, but ultimately we all will realize that the most profound guidance there is, is The Creator speaking directly through our own soul and self, being in synchronicity with our Divine Timing and our reality and manifestation. One of the biggest benefits of learning to connect with creation through Source, is the clarity we receive from this. By utilizing the technique to connect with ourselves through Source we will develop the ability to clearly receive information from our higher self allowing us a greater certainty and confidence in life. 


Working with the future:

Even though we learned how to connect with the law of time in the Basic DNA Workshop, here the student is offered a new perspective that, for some students, is a key to unlocking their ability to see through time. Understanding divination and how to see the quantum field of possibilities is a key practice in learning advanced manifestation.


The Heart Song:

This technique was channeled by Vianna and it’s a very deep and powerful heart healing experience. The Heart Song, is a unique way of using sound resonance and the theta brainwave in unison with the connection with one’s deep emotions and Source to profoundly release and help with deep buried emotions and traumas, specially related to love and the heart but ultimately when the ability as this technique is developed and perfected, to work in levels that transcend the limitations of the mind in the understanding of it’s reach through the being.  


This class require having completed BASIC DNA to participate